Class ydn.db.Storage
The instance of Storage class connects to a suitable browser database and provides transactional database query on optionally defined database schema.
NOTE: This documentation list all available methods to the storage instance, but only subset of them are available depending on the distribution used. The require distribution name is given on the right side in a small yellow box.
ydn.db.Storage(name, schema,
Create a connection to suitable storage
mechanism and initialize the database.
A database connection is created with the given database name of the first available storage mechanisms supported by the browser respecting preferential ordering of mechanisms if given.
If database schema is given, object stores and indexes are created or
updated before firing 'ready' event. During
schema upgrade, data may lost if existing data are not met by database
constraint in new schema. If schema is not given or autoSchema
is set true, object stores or indexes are created as necessary. If
schema version is given, the connected database version is same as
given version. If schema version is not given and schema in the
browser is different from given schema, the database is upgraded by
increasing version 1. If schema version is given, but schema in the
browser is different from given schema, the connection fail.
The following runnable code snippet describes a simple library usage.
db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name'); db.put('store-name', {foo: 'bar'}, 'id1'); db.get('store-name', 'id1').always(function(record) { console.log(record); });
- Parameters:
- {string} name
- The database name.
- {!ydn.db.schema.Database=} schema
Optional. Set a defining schema in JSON format. The default schema is auto scheme, in which require schema is generated on-the-fly.
Schema defines a list of store schemas.
schema = { stores: [{ name: 'customer', // required. object store name or TABLE name keyPath: 'email', // keyPath. autoIncrement: true, // if true, key will be automatically created }, { name: 'product', keyPath: 'id.sku', indexes: [{ keyPath: 'origin', // required. name: 'name', // usually omitted. generally same as keyPath. unique: true, // unique constrain multiEntry: true // }] }] };
- {!Object=} options
- Additional options.
- Option keys:
- {boolean=} autoSchema
- Optional. Set
to auto schema mode. - {number=} connectionTimeout
- Optional. Database connection timeout interval in milli-second. Default to 60 seconds or 2 seconds in dev.
- {Object=} EncryptionOption crypt
- Optional. Encryption options having
, data expiration interval in milli seconds, {Array}secrets
as array of Object havingname
field for encryption key. - {!Array.<string>=} mechanisms
- Optional. Preferential ordering of store mechanisms.
for HTML5 IndexedDB storage,'sqlite'
for SQLitePlugin storage in Cordova platform,'websql'
for legacy WebSQL Database,'localstorage'
for WebStorage,'userdata'
for Internet Explorer 6 User Data and'memory'
for in-memory storage. - {number=} size
- Optional. Estimated database size in bytes (used only by WebSQL). IndexedDB storage requirement should be allocated by Quota Management API before using it.
- {number=} Sync
- Optional. Synchronization options.
- {string=} policy
- Optional. Base transaction thread policy . Default transaction thread policy is 'single', which satisfy read-your-own-write consistency.
- {boolean=} isSerial
- Optional. Default is
. Settrue
to use serial transaction queue, otherwise parallel transaction queue is used. Parallel transactiond queue increases performance, but does not respect ordering.
options = { Encryption: { expiration: 1000*60*60*24, // expires in one day secrets: [{ name: 'key1', key: 'aYHF6vfuGHpfWSeRLrPQxZjS5c6HjCscqDqRtZaspJWSMGaW' }] }, mechanisms: ['indexeddb', 'sqlite', 'websql', 'localstorage', 'sessionstorage', 'userdata', 'memory'], // default ordering size: 2 * 1024 * 1024, // 2 MB };
add(store_name, value)
Add an object to the store using in-line key
or auto increment key.
If the store use in-line key, the key of the record is extracted from
the given record value according to store keyPath
If autoIncrement
of the store is true
, a
key will be generated by the underlying database as necessary.
Underlying storage mechanisms may throw ConstraintError
or SQLError if object with the same key already exists in the
database. This error event object is received by error callback
handler in the request object. In case of WebSQL, it is SQLError
object with name
set to '
also occurs when index unique condition
is not met.
are for reasons unrelated to the database
itself and not covered by any other errors, mostly due to I/O error.
Any SQLError
other than code value of 6
are set its name to UnknownError
- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Object} value
- Non-nullable. The value to be stored in the record.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {!IDBKey} Primary key of the record added {SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Error as returned by underlying storage mechanisms.
- Throws:
- {DataError} Async. DataError
- The calculated key for the insertion was not a valid key. Also thrown if the calculated key for any of the indexes which belong to this object store had a calculated key which was not a valid key.
- {DataCloneError} Async. DataCloneError
- The data being stored could not be cloned by the internal structured cloning algorithm.
- {ydn.error.NotSupportedException} ydn.error.NotSupportedException
- Store schema is given, the store exists but different schema.
add(store_name, value, id)
Add an object to the store using given
out-of-line primary key.
- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The name of store.
- {!Object} value
- Non-nullable. The value to be stored in the record.
- {IDbKey} id
- Non-nullable. The key used to identity the record.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {!IDBKey} Primary key of the record added {SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Error as returned by underlying storage mechanisms.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.errorNotSupportedException
addAll(store_name, values)
Add a list of object to an in-of-line or
auto increment store.
If adding records violate database constraint, the request fail, but transaction continue and will eventually commit. The transaction can be cancelled on receiving the request result.
var req = db.addAll('store name', objs); req.done(function(keys) { console.log('all ' + keys.length + ' objects added'); }); { console.warning('some requests cause error, aborting transaction.'); req.abort(); });
- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The name of store.
- {!Array} values
- Non-nullable. The list of record values to be stored.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object. If all records are successfully added, done callback
is invoked, otherwise, fail callback is invoked.
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} Primary keys added to the store {!Array.<!IDBKey|SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError>} Primary keys added to or errors of given records respectively.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.error.NotSupportedException
addAll(store_name, values, ids)
Add list of object to an out-of-line store.
or undefined
to let the key
to auto generated.- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Array} values
- Non-nullable. List of record values to be stored.
- {!Array.<IDbKey>} ids
- Non-nullable. List of primary keys corresponding to the record values.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object. If all records are successfully added, done callback
is invoked, otherwise, fail callback is invoked.
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} Primary keys added to the store {!Array.<!IDBKey|SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError>} Primary keys added to or errors of given records respectively.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.error.NotSupportedException
addEventListener(type, handler,
Adds an event listener to the this storage
The same handler can only be added once per the type. Even if
you add the same handler multiple times using the same type then it will
only be called once when the event is dispatched.
- Parameters:
- {string} type
- event type.
- {Function|Object} handler
- The function to handle the event. The handler can also be an object that implements the handleEvent method which takes the event object as argument.
- {boolean=} capture
- whether the listener is fired during the capture or bubble phase of the event.
branch(tx_policy, is_serial,
store_names, mode, max_tx)
Create a new storage instance with given transaction
thread policy from the connection.
When requests are placed to storage instance, these requests can be either of serial or parallel depending on transaction policy used. Primary storage instance use serial transaction policy by default. Use parallel transaction policy for performance and serial transaction policy when request needed to be executed in order.
var parallel = db.branch('repeat', false); var req1 = db.put('store1', record1); var req2 = db.get('store1', record1); // this request execute after req1 var req3 = parallel.put('store1', record1); // this request may execute before req1 or req2
- Parameters:
- {string} tx_policy
- The transaction policy.
Valid values are 'atomic', 'single', 'repeat', and 'multi'.
Transaction policy determines whether to reuse or create a new transaction when a new request come in. Single transaction policy always create a new transaction for each request. Repeat transaction policy reuse active transaction if scope are same (both store names and mode). Multi transaction policy reuse active transaction if applicable. Atomic transaction policy is single policy, but additionally the transaction layer intersect request layer and hold request callbacks until transaction is completed.
- {boolean=} Optional. is_serial
- If true, transaction are created serially. By default, transaction are create as necessary resulting parallel execution. In serial transaction, only one transaction is active by reserving transaction request into last-in-fast-out queue.
- {Array.<string>=} Optional. store_names
- List of store names as transaction scope. If provided, all transactions in the branch are created using given scope.
- {TransactionMode=} Optional. mode
- Transaction mode, either 'readonly' or 'readwrite'. If provided, all transactions in the branch are created using given scope.
- {Array=} Optional. max_tx
- Limit number of transaction created in the branch.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Storage} return a shallow copy of this storage instance with given transaction policy thread.
clear(store_name, key_range)
Clear records in a given key range.
See also remove.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {!ydn.db.KeyRange|!IDBKeyRange} key_range
- Non-nullable. The key range.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: Result is not Not used.
Clear all records in a store.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- store name.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: Result is not Not used.
Clear all records in stores.
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<string>} store_names
- Non-nullable. List of store names.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number}Number of stores Not used.
Clear all entries in the database.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Number of stores Not used.
count(store_name, key_range)
Get number of records in the key range.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- Store name.
- {ydn.db.KeyRange} key_range
- Key range object.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Total number of records found in the given key Not used.
Get number of items in a store.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- store name.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Total number of records in the Result is not defined.
Get number of records in a give stores.
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<string>} store_name
- store name.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {!Array.number} Total number of records for each respective Not used.
countByIndex(store_name, index_name,
Get number of records in the index key
The following example illustrate to count number of users of age between 25 and 30.
var req = db.count('user', 'age', ydn.db.KeyRange.bound(25, 30)) req.done(function(count){ console.log(count); // number of user of age between 25 and 30 inclusive. );
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- Store name.
- {string} index_name
- Index name.
- {ydn.db.KeyRange} key_range
- Key range object.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Total number of records in the key range of the Not used.
countOf(iterator) core
Get number of records in the iterator.
Count number of cursors found by iterating the iterator until it is done.
- Parameters:
- {ydn.db.Iterator} iterator
- The iterator object.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Total number of records found during cursor Error as received on cursor request.
executeSql(sql, params) sql
Execute a simple SQL statement.
db.executeSql("SELECT * FROM article WHERE license = 'SA' LIMIT 5 OFFSET 50").then(function(results) { console.log(results); }, function(e) { throw e; });
- Parameters:
- {string} sql
- The SQL statement.
- {!Array=} params
- Non-nullable. Query parameters.
- Throws:
- {NotFoundError}
- If store is not found in the database.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} resulting in request object.
done: {*|!Array} Native data type for scalar query, othereise
is converted into an {SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Invoke fail callback if the request fail.
from(store_name, op, value, op2,
value) query
Create a query.
var q = db.from('store name'); q = q.where('country', '=', 'SG').order('age'); q.list(function(list) { console.log(list); });
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {enum.<string>} op
- Operator symbol. One of
. The last operator is for string value having starts with. - {*} value
- Left value for the operator.
- {enum.<string>=} op_2
- Operator symbol 2.
- {*=} value_2
- Left value for the operator 2.
- Returns:
{!ydn.db.Query} A query object.
get(store_name, id)
Retrieve a record value by primary key.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The name of store to be retrieved record from.
- {!IDbKey} id
- Non-nullable. Key of record to be retrieved.
is either ofstring
- Returns:
Retrieve a record value by key object.
- Parameters:
- {!ydn.db.Key} key
- Non-nullable. Key object of the record to be retrieved.
- Returns:
done: {!Object|undefined} Record if found, undefined Not used.
get(iterator) core
Retrieve the first record value of cursor
range iterator results.
The follow example illustrates getting the the first key of 'book' object store.
var iter = new ydn.db.KeyIterator('book'); db.get(iter).done(function(key) { if (key) { console.log('the first book id: ' + key); } else { console.log('no book'); });
- Parameters:
- {!ydn.db.Iterator} iterator
- Non-nullable. The iterator.
- Returns:
done: {!Object|undefined} The first record if found, undefined Error as received on cursor request.
getSchema (callback)
Get schema of this storage.
- Parameters:
- {function(!ydn.db.schema.Database)=} callback
- Optional. Extract actual schema from the database
return if the database is not connected. - Returns:
- {ydn.db.schema.Database?} Return defining schema.
Get storage mechanism type.
- Returns:
- {string|undefined} Type of
storage mechanism used in the connection. Return
if not connected.
keys(store_name, key_range, limit,
offset, reverse)
Retrieve primary keys from a store.
The follow code snippet illustrates listing product id starts with 'category/hardware/computer/'
var key_range = ydn.db.KeyRange.starts('category/hardware/computer/'); db.keys('product', key_range, 500).then(function(keys) { console.log(keys); }, function(e) { throw e; });
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- Optional. The store
- {ydn.db.KeyRange=} key_range
- Key range object.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit number of results, default to 100.
- {number=} offset
- Optional. Skip number of first records.
- {boolean=} reverse
- Optional. Sorted by descending order of keys.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} List of primary keys in the key Not used.
keysByIndex(store_name, index_name,
key_range, limit, offset, reverse)
Retrieve primary keys from a store on an
The follow code snippet illustrates listing product id (primary keys)
which is tagged with with 'flammable'
var key_range = ydn.db.KeyRange.only('flammble'); db.keysByIndex('product', 'tag', key_range, 500).then(function(keys) { console.log(keys); }, function(e) { throw e; });
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {string} index_name
- Index name of key_range.
- {ydn.db.KeyRange=} key_range
- Optional. Key range object.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit number of results. Default is 100.
- {number=} offset
- Optional. Skip number of first records.
- {boolean=} reverse
- Optional. Set true to reverse the ordering. Default ordering is ascending.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} List of primary keys in the index key Not used.
keysOf(iterator, limit) core
Retrieve effective keys of the iterator.
The follow example illustrate retrieving unique list of 'tag' index key from store 'article'.
var iter = new ydn.db.IndexIterator('article', 'tag', null, false, true); db.keysOf(iter, 500).done(function(keys) { console.log(keys); });
- Parameters:
- {ydn.db.Iterator} iterator
- Non-nullable. The iterator.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit maximum number of results, default to 100.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} List of effective keys yield in iterating the {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
onReady(cb, scope)
Add database ready event listener.
Opening database connection is an asynchronous operation. This ready event listener is invoked when database is connected and after necessary schema changes are made. This is the first asynchronous function call make by the database instance. If database opening fail, the callback is invoke with error event object. Multiple listener can be added. Heavy database write operation should invoke after this ready event handler. Alternatively 'ready' event can be listen through DOM event listener pattern.
var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db name'); db.onReady(function(e) { if (e) { if ( { console.log('Error due to: ' + + ' ' +; } throw e; } db.put('st1', large_data); });
- Parameters:
- {Function} cb
- Callback to handle database connection ready event.
- {Object=} scope
- Optional. An optional scope to call the functions in.
open(next_callback, iterator, mode,
scope) cursor
Open iterator to perform iteration process.
Scanning iterates effective key of the iterator in their specified cursor ranges and directions. Each iteration invokes given callback with transient cursor object. The callback may direct next cursor positions by returning cursor advancement object. The cursor advancement object format is the following table. All attributes are optional and may use in any combination. They are executed in the order given by the table from top to bottom.
If next_callback do not return a value, cursor will continue next.
Return null
to stop iterating.
Instead of giving cursor advancement object, a short form may be
used such that boolean value as '
attribute and non-trivial value as 'continue'
If done flag of the query is false
, query
will resume from the current index key exclusive.
The follow example illustrates updating a set of records.
var iter = ydn.db.ValueIterator.where('player', 'clad', '=', 'hobbit'); var req = { var player = icursor.getValue(); += 10; icursor.update(player).then(function(key) { console.log('player ' + key + ' got health boost'); }, function(e) { throw e; }); return {advance: 5 * Math.random()} // randomly jump }, iter, 'readwrite'); req.then(function () { console.log('committed'); }, function(e) { throw e; });
- Parameters:
- {!function(!ydn.db.ICursor): (Object|boolean|IDBKey|undefined)} next_callback
- Callback function to receive stream of cursors. Optionally return next cursor advancement.
- {!ydn.db.Iterator} iterator
- Cursor object to define iteration parameters.
- {string=} mode
- Optional. Either one of
(default) orreadwrite
. - {*=} scope
- Optional. An optional scope to call the callback in.
- Throws:
- {NotFoundError}
- If a store is not found in the database.
- Returns: {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a request object.
done: {*} Result not {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
put(store_name, value)
Put an object to the store using in-line key
or auto increment key.
If the store use in-line key, the key of the record is extracted from
the given record value according to store keyPath
If autoIncrement
of the store is true
, a
key will be generated by the underlying database as necessary.
occur when index unique condition is not
- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Object} value
- Non-nullable. The value to be stored in the record.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {!IDBKey}Effected record primary {SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Error as returned by underlying storage mechanisms.
- Throws:
- {DataError} Async. DataError
- The calculated key for the insertion was not a valid key. Also thrown if the calculated key for any of the indexes which belong to this object store had a calculated key which was not a valid key.
- {DataCloneError} Async. DataCloneError
- The data being stored could not be cloned by the internal structured cloning algorithm.
- {ydn.error.NotSupportedException} ydn.error.NotSupportedException
- Store schema is given, the store exists but different schema.
put(store_name, value, id)
Put an object to the store using out-of-line
primary key.
- Parameters:
- {string|ydn.db.schema.Store} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Object} value
- Non-nullable. The value to be stored in the record.
- {IDbKey} id
- Non-nullable. The primary key used to identify the record.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {!IDBKey} Effected record primary {SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Error as returned by underlying storage mechanisms.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.error.NotSupportedException
put(keys, values)
Put list of objects to the store using key
This method can be used to put list of objects to multiple stores in a single transaction as illustrated below.
var message = {title: 'test'}; var body = {content: 'testing'}; var recp = {delivered: false}; var key1 = new ydn.db.Key('message', uid); var key2 = new ydn.db.Key('message_body', uid); var key3 = new ydn.db.Key('recipient', email, key1); db.put([key1, key2, key3], [message, message_body, recp]);
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<ydn.db.Key>} keys
- List of key objects corresponding to the record values.
- {!Array} values
- List of record values to be stored.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object. If all records are successfully added, done callback
is invoked, otherwise, fail callback is invoked.
done: {!IDBKey} Respective list of effected primary {!IDBKey|SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError} Respective list of effected primary keys or error received on the put request.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.error.NotSupportedException
putAll(store_name, values)
Put list of objects to the store using
in-line primary key or auto increment key.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Array} values
- Non-nullable. List of record values to be stored.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object. If all records are successfully added, done callback
is invoked, otherwise, fail callback is invoked.
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} Respective list of effected primary {!Array.<!IDBKey|SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError>} Respective list of effected primary keys or error received on the put request.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.NotSupportedException
putAll(store_name, values, ids)
Put list of objects to the store using out
of line key.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {!Array} values
- Non-nullable. List of record value to be stored.
- {!Array.<!IDbKey>} ids
- Non-nullable. List of primary keys corresponding to record values.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object. If all records are successfully added, done callback
is invoked, otherwise, fail callback is invoked.
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} Respective list of effected primary {!Array.<!IDBKey|SQLError|ConstraintError|AbortError|UnknownError>} Respective list of effected primary keys or error received on the put request.
- Throws: DataError, DataCloneError, ydn.error.NotSupportedException
remove(store_name, id)
Delete a record from an object store.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {IDBKey} id
- Non-nullable. The primary key.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Return number of records Not used.
remove(store_name, key_range)
Delete records in a given key range.
See also clear.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {!ydn.db.KeyRange|!IDBKeyRange} key_range
- Non-nullable. The key range.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Return number of records {Error} Resulting error object on deleting.
remove(store_name, index_name,
Delete records in a given index key range.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {string} index_name
- The index name.
- {!ydn.db.KeyRange|!IDBKeyRange} key_range
- Non-nullable. The key range.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Return number of records {Error|Array.<Error>} Resulting error object or objects on deleting.
Delete a record of a key object.
- Parameters:
- {!ydn.db.Key} key
- Non-nullable. key to clear associated object.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Return number of records {Error} Resulting error object on deleting.
Delete records of given list of key objects.
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<!ydn.db.Key>} keys
- Non-nullable. keys to clear associated objects.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {number} Return number of keys {!Array.<Error|undefined>} If any one of deleting a key fail, fail callback is invoked, with the resulting error in respective elements.
removeEventListener(type, handler,
capture) event
Removes an event listener from the event
The handler must be the same object as the one added. If the
handler has not been added then nothing is done.
- Parameters:
- {string} type
- event type.
- {Function|Object} handler
- The function to handle the event. The handler can also be an object that implements the handleEvent method which takes the event object as argument.
- {boolean=} capture
- whether the listener is fired during the capture or bubble phase of the event.
scan(callback, iterators) cursor
Perform index or table scan iteration.
Index scan iteration is a fundamental database query process. This is similar to table and index scanning in relational database. Use value iterator to perform table scanning. Use key iterator to perform index scanning.
Scanning iterates effective keys of the iterators in their specified cursor ranges and directions. Each iteration invokes given callback with two arguments of resulting effective key array and its reference value array for respective iterators. The callback may direct next cursor positions by returning cursor advancement array object. The cursor advancement object format is described above. In cursor advancement array object, each value are array with each element corresponds to iterator.
Instead of returning cursor advancement object, the scan callback may
return cursor advancement array as
short notation. Cursor advancement array has the same length as input
iterator. Each element of non-trivial value is next position effective
key. If the value is true
, it is taken as 'advance'
of 1 step and if false
, it is taken as 'restart'
to true
. Trivial values are ignored.
Instead of giving callback function, a more high level key joining algorithm object may be used.
The follow example illustrate finding the first people having name is 'John' and country is 'SG'.
var iter_a = ydn.db.IndexKeyIterator.where('people', 'name', '=', 'John'); var iter_b = ydn.db.IndexKeyIterator.where('people', 'country', '=', 'SG'); var result; db.scan(function(keys, values) { // keys[0] == 'John', keys[1] == 'SG' var cmp = ydn.db.cmp(values[0], values[1]); // compare primary keys if (cmp == 0) { result = values[0]; return []; // done } else if (cmp == 1) { // values[0] is ahead of values[1] return {continuePrimary: [values[1], null]}; // jump iter_a to iter_b cursor position } else { return {continuePrimary: [null, values[0]]}; } }, [iter_a, iter_b]).done(function() { if (result) { db.get(result).done(function(people) { console.log(people) } } else { console.log('not found'); } });
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<!ydn.db.Iterator|!ydn.db.Streamer>}iterators
- The array of iterator or streamers. Streamer must immediately follow its relationship iterator.
- {(function(keys: Array, value: Array): (Array.<boolean|IdbKey>|Object)|ydn.db.algo.Solver)} callback
- Join function or solver callback receive cursor
values and reference values and returns next iterator advancement
- Returns:{!ydn.db.Request} Returns a request object.
done: {!Array.<!IDBKey>} Result not {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
search(catalog, query, limit, th) text
Full text search query using inverted
Documents are indexed during storing into the database using add
or put
Query format is free text, in which implicit and/or/near logic operator apply for each token. Use double quote for exact match, - to subtract from the result and * for prefix search.
var schema = { fullTextCatalogs: [{ name: 'name', lang: 'en', sources: [ { storeName: 'contact', keyPath: 'first' } ] }], stores: [ { name: 'contact', autoIncrement: true }] }; var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db name', schema); db.putAll('contact', [{first: 'Peter'}, {first: 'Collin'}]);'name', 'poter').done(function(x) { console.log(x); db.get(x[0].storeName, x[0].primaryKey).done(function(top) { console.log(top); // {first: "Peter"} }) });
- Parameters:
- {string} catalog
- Full text search catalog name, as defined in schema.
- {string} query
- Free text query string.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Maximum number of satisfactory results.
- {number=} th
- Optional. Threshold score of a result to consider as a success.
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {Array} Return list of inverted index. An inverted index has the following attributes:
, representing for store name of original document, primary key of original document, match quality score and array of token objects. Token object has the following attributes: keyPath
representing key path of index of the original document, original word from the original document and array list of position of word in the {Error} If any one of deleting a key fail, fail callback is invoked, with the resulting error in respective elements.
run(transaction_callback, store_names,
Run an isolated database transaction.
This method create a new shallow copy of storage instance, which
place all requests against in a single transaction. All database
operations on this storage instance are performed in this single
transaction until it was committed. Transaction is committed by not
using actively.
When a request cause error due to database constraint fail,
transaction continue. Use abort
method to abort the transaction.
Errors from database request and transaction can be listened by error
events of the storage instance.
var req = update_prop (run_db) { run_db.get('player', 1).done(function(data) { += 10; run_db.put('player', data).done(function(key) { if ( > 100) { req.abort(); } }); } }, ['player'], 'readwrite'); req.then(function() { console.log('updated.'); }, function(e) { console.log('transaction aborted'); });
- Parameters:
- {!function(db)} transaction_callback
- Non-nullable. Transaction in callback function. The callback is invoke is
instance. - {Array.<string>=} store_names
- Optional. List of store name. Default to all object stores.
- {string=} mode
- Optional. Transaction mode:
(default) orreadwrite
- Returns:
- {!ydn.db.Request} Returns a
request object.
done: {*} Invoke done callback when the transaction is successfully committed. Its result is not {*} Invoke done callback when the transaction is aborted. Result is not defined.
store_names, mode, completed_event_handler)
Create a native transaction.
This method can be used for database operations not supported by this library.
db.transaction(function transaction_callback (tx) { if (tx.objectStore) { request = tx.objectStore('player').getAll() ... } else if (tx.executeSql) { tx.executeSql('create virtual table doc using fts3(content text, tokenize=porter'); ... } else { // localStorage or memory store, no transaction yet ... } }, ['player'], 'readwrite')
- Parameters:
- {!function((!IDBTransaction|!SQLTransaction|Object))} transaction_callback
- Non-nullable. Transaction in callback function. The callback is invoked with
either of
, orlocalStorage
depending on runtime environment. - {Array.<string>} store_names
- List of store name. If empty list, all stores are open.
- {string} mode
- Transaction mode:
(default) orreadwrite
- {function(string: type, *: event)} completed_event_handler
- Handle event for transaction
event type. If provided, handler will be called once and only once immediately after the transacting become inactive.
values(store_name, ids)
Retrieve record values of given primary
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The name of store to retrive object from.
- {!Array.<IDBKey?>} ids
- Non-nullable. List of primary keys to retrieve.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!Object|undefined>} Respective list of record {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
values(store_name, key_range, limit,
offset, reverse)
Retrieve record values from a store.
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {ydn.db.KeyRange=} key_range
- Optional. Key range object.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit maximum number of results, default to 100.
- {number=} offset
- Optional. Number of first results to skip.
- {boolean=} reverse
- Optional. Default ordering is ascending. Set true to reverse the ordering.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!Object>} List of records in the key {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
Retrieve list of record values as referred
by the given key objects.
The follow example illustrates retrieving a record from 'player' object store and a record from 'weapon' object store.
var k1 = new ydn.db.Key('player', 'abc'); var k2 = new ydn.db.Key('weapon', 'abc'); db.values([k1, k2]).done(function(objs) { var player_abc = objs[0]; var weapon_abc = objs[1]; });
- Parameters:
- {!Array.<!ydn.db.Key>} keys
- The key object of the object to retrieve.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!Object|undefined>} Respective list of reference values yield in iterating the iterator. If record is not found, the result is
.fail: {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
valuesByIndex(store_name, index_name
key_range, limit, offset, reverse)
Retrieve record values from a store by
- Parameters:
- {string} store_name
- The store name.
- {string} index_name
- Index name of key_range.
- {ydn.db.KeyRange=} key_range
- Optional. Key range object.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit maximum number of results, default to 100.
- {number=} offset
- Optional. Number of first results to skip.
- {boolean=} reverse
- Optional. Default ordering is ascending. If reverse is true, ordering is descending.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!Object>} Non-nullable. List of records in the index key {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
valuesOf(iterator, limit) core
Retrieve reference values of the iterator.
Resulting values are sorted by effective keys and then by primary keys. If iterator is in resting stage, retrieving values start from previous position exclusive.
The follow example illustrate retrieving 'article', records by their index key value of 'javascript'.
var iter = ydn.db.ValueIterator.where('article', 'tag', '=', 'javascript'); db.valuesOf(iter, 10).done(function(tags) { console.log(tags); }); db.valuesOf(iter, 10).done(function(tags) { // get next 10 articles console.log(tags); });
- Parameters:
- {!ydn.db.Iterator} iterator
- Non-nullable. The iterator.
- {number=} limit
- Optional. Limit maximum number of results, default to 100.
- Returns:
done: {!Array.<!Object>} List of reference values yield in iterating the {Error|SQLError} Error as received on cursor request.
Record created event.
or RecordEvent
of type created
, when it a new record is stored to the
target object store.
Record deleted event.
or RecordEvent
of type created
, when it a new record is stored to the
target object store.
Receive database error events.
- Parameters:
- {?function(!} An event handler.
db.addEventListener('error', function (event) { var e = event.getError(); // common errors are AbortError, ConstraintError and UnknownError (possibliy for Quota exceed error). // log error for debugging console.log('connection failed with ' +; });
Database connection fail event.
db.addEventListener('fail', function (event) { var err = event.getError(); if ( == 'versionchange') { alert('The application is updated, please refresh to upgrade.') } else { console.log('connection failed with ' + + ' by ' + err.message); } db = null; // no operation can be placed to the database instance });
- Parameters:
- {?function(!} An event handler.
Database connection ready event.
dispatched when a connection is successfully established. The
storage instance must invoke this event handler not more than once
before connection time out interval. db.addEventListener('ready', function (event) { var is_updated = event.getVersion() != event.getOldVersion(); if (is_updated) { console.log('database connected with new schema'); } else if (isNaN(event.getOldVersion())) { console.log('new database created'); } else { console.log('existing database connected'); } // heavy database operations should start from this. );
- Parameters:
- {?function(!} An event handler.
Record updated event.
or RecordEvent
of type updated
when it a record is updated, possibly a new one, to the target object
put database operation dispatch updated events and currently it does not distinguish between created and updated suituation.
Event for current version database has
When an app, possibly from other tab, open with new version of the database, current event receive IDBVersionChangeEvent. The default operation of the event is closing the connection.
An app may want to store data before the connection was closed. This is the last chance to to use the connection.
db.addEventListener('versionchange', function(e) { db.put('temp', draft_data); });