Class ydn.db.KeyRange

Platform independent implementation of IDBKeyRange with few helper functions.

A key range is a continuous segment of keys defined by interval by using lower and upper bound.

To retrieve all keys within a certain interval, you can construct a key range as follow:

Range Code
All keys ? x ydn.db.KeyRange.upperBound(x)
All keys < x ydn.db.KeyRange.upperBound(x, true)
All keys ? y ydn.db.KeyRange.lowerBound(y)
All keys > y ydn.db.KeyRange.lowerBound(y, true)
All keys ≥ xy ydn.db.KeyRange.bound(x, y)
All keys > x < y ydn.db.KeyRange.bound(x, y, true, true)
All keys > xy ydn.db.KeyRange.bound(x, y, true, false)
All keys ≤ x < y ydn.db.KeyRange.bound(x, y, false, true)
The key = z ydn.db.KeyRange.only(z)
All (string or array) keys start with a ydn.db.KeyRange.starts(a)

ydn.db.KeyRange(lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen) version 1
Create a key range object.
var k1 = new ydn.db.KeyRange(10, 20, false, true);
Lower bound and upper bound are either of string, number, Date or simple Array. This union type is annotated as IDbKey thourght out this API documentation. For complete description of valid key value, see IndexedDB key structure.
{IDbKey=} lower
Optional. The value of the lower bound.
{IDbKey=} upper
Optional. The value of the upper bound.
{boolean=} lowerOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the lower bound value.
{boolean=} upperOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the upper bound value.
lower = {IDbKey|undefined}
The value of the lower bound.

upper = {IDbKey|undefined}
The value of the upper bound.

lowerOpen = {boolean|undefined}
If true, the range excludes the lower bound value.

upperOpen = {boolean|undefined}
If true, the range excludes the upper bound value.

bound(lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen)
Create ydn.db.Key object using factory pattern.
{IDbKey=} lower
Optional. The value of the lower bound.
{IDbKey=} upper
Optional. The value of the upper bound.
{boolean=} lowerOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the lower bound value.
{boolean=} upperOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the upper bound value.

lowerBound(lower, lowerOpen)
Creates a key range with a lower bound only, finishes at the last record.
{IDbKey} lower
The value of the lower bound.
{boolean=} lowerOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the lower bound value.

Creates a new key range for a single value.
{IDbKey} value
The single value in the range.

upperBound(lower, lowerOpen)
Creates a key range with a upper bound only, starts at the first record.
{IDbKey} upper
The value of the lower bound.
{boolean=} upperOpen
Optional. If true, the range excludes the upper bound value.

Creates a key range having a starting value.
The following key range include all key starting 'abc', such as 'abcd', 'abcz', etc.
var keys_starts_with_abc = ydn.db.Key.starts('abc'); 
The following key range include all key of array value with first element is [5], such as [5, 'a'], [5, 1], etc.
var array_keys_with_element_5 = ydn.db.Key.starts([5]); 
var array_keys_with_element_abc = ydn.db.Key.starts(['abc']); 
{string|Array} value
The starting value.

Get key in JSON format.
{!Object} object JSON object.