Beautiful API
The library API is carefully designed so that it is simple, powerful and make sense.
var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name'); db.put('store-name', {message: 'Hello world!'}, 'id1'); db.get('store-name', 'id1').always(function(record) { console.log(record); });
Rich queries
Fast indexed query on client database with multiple filters, ordering and pagination.
var q = db.from('people').where('age', '>=', 25); q.list(10).done(function(peoples) { console.log(peoples); // list of first 10 peoples });
var q = db.from('people').where('country', '=', 'US').order('name'); q.list(10).done(function(peoples) { console.log(peoples); // list of first 10 peoples from US ordered by name }); q.list(10).done(function(peoples) { console.log(peoples); // next 10 peoples });
Unified managed schema
Manage database table or object stores as defined by a simple Javascript object. Schema can be versioned or generated dynamically.
var schema = { stores: [{ name: 'people', indexes: [{ keyPath: 'age' }, { name: 'age, name', keyPath: ['age', 'name'] }] ] } var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name', schema);
Complex transaction workflow
Run complex transaction workflow over hundreds of indexes on millions of records. health_10up(tx_db) { tx_db.get('player', 1).done(function(p1_obj) { += 10; tx_db.put('player', p1_obj); }); }, ['player'], 'readwrite');
High performance streaming API
Reduce memory usage and increase UI responsiveness by using the streaming API.
var q = db.from('author').where('first', 'starts', input_value); var ul = document.getElementById('auto-suggestion-list'); ul.innerHTML = ''; (cursor) { var li = document.createElement('li'); var people = cursor.getValue(); li.textContent = people.first + ' ' + people.last; });
Synchronize with REST backend services
Cache and persist in the RESTful backend service.
var schema = { stores: [{ name: 'todo', keyPath: 'id', Sync: { format: 'gcs', // Google Cloud Storage Options: { bucket: 'ydn-note-data', prefix: 'todo/' } } }] }; var db = new ydn.db.Storage(db_name, schema); // GET db.get('todo', 'id123'); // PUT db.put('todo', 'id123'); // DELETE db.remove('todo', 'id123');