Work on all browsers

Support all desktop, mobile and web client browsers utilizing IndexedDB, WebSQL and localStorage. No dependency.

Beautiful API

The library API is carefully designed so that it is simple, powerful and make sense.

var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name');
db.put('store-name', {message: 'Hello world!'}, 'id1');
db.get('store-name', 'id1').always(function(record) {

Rich queries

Fast indexed query on client database with multiple filters, ordering and pagination.

var q = db.from('people').where('age', '>=', 25);
q.list(10).done(function(peoples) {
  console.log(peoples); // list of first 10 peoples
var q = db.from('people').where('country', '=', 'US').order('name');
q.list(10).done(function(peoples) {
  console.log(peoples); // list of first 10 peoples from US ordered by name
q.list(10).done(function(peoples) {
  console.log(peoples); // next 10 peoples

Unified managed schema

Manage database table or object stores as defined by simple javascript object. Schema could optionally be versioned or let library to generate dynamically.

var schema = {
  stores: [{
    name: 'people',
    indexes: [{
       keyPath: 'age'
    }, {
       name: 'age, name',
       keyPath: ['age', 'name']
var db = new ydn.db.Storage('db-name', schema);

Complex transaction workflow

Run complex transaction workflow over hundreds of indexes on millions of records. health_10up(tx_db) {
   tx_db.get('player', 1).done(function(p1_obj) { += 10;
        tx_db.put('player', p1_obj);
}, ['player'], 'readwrite');

High performance streaming API

Reduce memory usage and fast UI respond by using streaming API.

var q = db.from('author').where('first', 'starts', input_value);
var ul = document.getElementById('auto-suggestion-list');
ul.innerHTML = ''; (cursor) {
  var li = document.createElement('li');
  var people = cursor.getValue();
  li.textContent = people.first + ' ' + people.last;

Synchronize with REST backend services

Cache and persists in RESTful backend service.

 var schema = {
  stores: [{
        name: 'todo',
        keyPath: 'id',
        Sync: {
          format: 'gcs',  // Google Cloud Storage
          Options: {
            bucket: 'ydn-note-data',
            prefix: 'todo/'
var db = new ydn.db.Storage(db_name, schema);
// GET
db.get('todo', 'id123');
// PUT
db.put('todo', 'id123');
db.remove('todo', 'id123');