Sprint.ly offline module

This javascript module is a wrapper on Sprint.ly API providing offline support and client-side full-text search.

Browser support

Target browsers are Chrome 35+, Firefox 30+, Safari 8+ and IE 18+.

Basic usage

All operations are asynchronous, and return Promise or Q.Promise when progress notification is necessary.

var service = new sprintly.Service();
    service.login(username, key); // this will return list of products after successful login
    var product = new sprintly.Product(service, {id: 1, name: 'sprint.ly'});

Product has all sprint.ly entities available via Annotation, Attachment, Blocking, Comment, Deploy, Favorite, Item and People Entities providing CRUD and query operations.

CRUD operation on Entity are get, add (create), put (update or create) and delete. These operation will invalidate both server and local. On network error, the operation will be on service queue. If not on queue, the result on resolve callback is consistent with server value.

product.Item.get(123).then(function(x) {
    console.log(x);  // final data from server (~150 ms)
    }, function(e) {
    throw e;
    }, function(x) {
    console.log(x);  // local cache data (~15 ms)


Use ydn.db.Storage object on product.db to query data without hitting backend service.

product.db.from('items').where('assigned_to', '=', 123).list().then(function(x) {

All available queries can be found on sprintly.Product.schema.


A loader is available for handling user session. Start the loader by sprint.run method.


Loader will dispatch sprintly-ready, sprintly-login, sprintly-login-fail and sprintly-logout events to window. Use sprintly-ready event to start your application.

window.addEventHandler('sprintly-ready', function(x) {

    sprintly.login(username, key, true); // save user name and password in `localStorage`.


See generated API documentation.


Generate documentation.

jsdoc src/*.js -t ~/work/jaguarjs-jsdoc/ -c jsdoc.json -d ./doc
    # only for first time
    cp -r ~/work/jaguarjs-jsdoc/static/ ./doc/

Upload doc

gsutil -m cp -R doc/* gs://dev.yathit.com/sprintly/api-doc/
    # just update html
    gsutil -m cp doc/*.html gs://dev.yathit.com/sprintly/api-doc/